BattleForge 桌面级系列主题(Desktop Th
BattleForge 桌面级系列主题(Desktop Th,Design_FBI,现在的努力是为了让别人看你才毫不费力。UI,前身为iconfans, 是专业的 UI 设计师交流、学习与展示的平台。
Category :常州app开发
Time ::2017-02-28
Client :




但是目前为止国外有雨滴桌面,以及sao 但是任然满足不了用户的需求


这也是我设计次电脑主题皮肤的原因 第一次尝试 轻喷 轻喷  

With the popularity of electronic devices and games

The interface of the mobile terminal device is everywhere

The user interface requirements for the computer more and more

But so far there are foreign desktop rain, as well as Sao but still can not meet the needs of users

The design of computer interface devices like mobile phone skin as there are many restrictions, but few restrictions, so also can design a lot of cool effects and cool operation mode.

This is the first time I designed the theme of the skin of the computer for the first time light spray light spray

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